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Yes, I’m back.  Yes, Paris was amazing.  Yes, I’m a total slacker at blogging.

If I’m being completely honest, my life has been a crazy-hot-mess lately.  I could try and gloss everything over… sound super positive and pretty… but, I’d rather be me.

The.  Broken.  Real.  Messy.  Me.

Right before my trip, we sold our home.  Moved.  Left for Paris.  I caught some nasty virus while we were there.  Came home sick.  Kids started back to school.  Still sick.  House hunting.  Photo shoots.  Kids activities.  House hunting.  Editing.  House Hunting.

The difficult part has not been all of the STUFF going on physically that I just mentioned (even though it has taken a toll)… BUT– it’s the emotional STUFF going on in my heart (and in my family’s heart) because of the transition.

My sweet Emma cries every night from the sadness of missing her old neighborhood friends.

My boy Mac needs space to run, jump, and lightsaber fight.

I desperately need and long for a home again.  A place to make beautiful.  A place of rest.

Ironically, (if you didn’t know already) our old home was on Blossom Court.  We lived there for 5 years and did just that… we “Blossom-ed”.

We lived, loved, laughed and cried well in that home.

We grew.

Individually.  Together.  In Community.  And With Our Father.

We knew it was time to move.  We are not questioning our decision.

But now…

We are in a season of waiting… being pruned & cut back so that new growth can take place.  Yes, It’s painful.

Ughhh.  These faces break my heart…  every.time.

I promise that I’m still alive.  🙂

I’m still working very hard.

And, I will post pics soon.

Until then…  I am trying to give myself (and others) lots of grace, trying to rest and wait on the “Spring”…

Thank you for letting me be Me.

Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit.”  John 15:2



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  1. I love you so much and I’m so so proud of you. Remember… “To everything there is a season… a time to tear down and a time to build.”

  2. Thank you, Em. I love you too.

  3. Dear Friend~ thank you so much for sharing your beautiful, honest, messy heart. I have been thinking about you and lifting you up to our Father. I know He will see you through- thank you for sharing your heart. what a blessing. much love~ jill

  4. How I would love to give a you a big ole hug. Sending lots of love. Know that I standing beside you in my spirit. This was a beautiful picture of your dear, sweet, REAL heart. Thanks for being brave to share it.

  5. You know this and I know this, but real life is messy and it hurts. I’m so thankful that you’re in my life and you’re so genuine. Thank you for sharing your heart, I love you!!

  6. Kirstin & Darrell:
    You Blossom Court friends are mourning the loss of your presence as well. I miss hearing Darrell’s strumming of his guitar on the steps, the Mack the Knife giving me the “evil eye” in the middle of the cul-de-sac as I break up their game of four square, the smile of your daughter leaving Miss Kitty’s piano lessons and the light that you brought to our world. Our regrets of not pursuing a deeper relationship with you guys.
    Blessins’ and prayers!

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